Every day hundreds of new games are launched in the world, wonderful titles that compete amongst themselves for the players’ attention. What challenges have been faced from both a development perspective and gaming community (local or Global) along the journey? Shane: Hoplon Studios seems to be on the path to do big things. It is a victory that deserves other victories to follow. We hope this step up will bring better and fairer taxes, as well as improvements to consoles, internet connection and age rating. It makes perfect sense for the government to look with keen eyes to this, helping the industry export and reach the high level of quality from the international market - which we believe is very possible. Brazil has 66 Million active players and we are the 13º on the list of biggest video games developers. The Brazilian games industry has organized itself systemically with the support of the developers and publisher around it, and mainly by associations, like Abragames. Brazil is a very creative country, with great entrepreneurs, so we hope this push from the government is what we need. This recognition shows how rich the video games field is. Hoplon Studios: The investment from the Brazilian government showed that it is watching carefully to what is going on in the gaming market and its importance. What do you think this means for the Brazilian Games Industry on a Global scale? Shane: Recently the Brazilian Government has invest multi-millions of funding in to the local games development industry. Media professionals and active players also help in the content creation so we make a genuinely fun product.

Recently, MMOHuts elected HMM as the best new MOBA of 2018, and we are always present in car games rankings and MOBAs. Today, HMM is more than a MOBA, with unique arenas, pilots and car combat. It is inspired by several games we love, like Rock n Roll Racing and Twisted Metal, but we went further than that. To this day, Hoplon opens up this space to create and be innovative. Some of the ideas were presented to the board to become real projects. However, we had every Monday a time for personal projects that could become a good idea for the company, so the employees created content simultaneously and collaboratively. When we came up with Heavy Metal Machines’ concept, we were actually working on another game. Hoplon Studios: We like to tell this story because it reflects Hoplon’s culture. What was behind the idea of producing a game like HMM?
HMM (Heavy Metal Machines), a MOBA game for PC has recently come out of early access after a couple of years. Shane: Hi Hoplon Studios! Thanks for taking the time to talk to us at STG about the Brazilian Video Gaming industry and your very own title Heavy Metal Machines. STG has a sit down and chat with the team on everything gaming, the Brazil Video Gaming Industry and we gain further insights on their flagship title. Having just released the MOBA PC game Heavy Metal Machines, the future is bright for the Brazil based indie game dev studio Hoplon.